Monday, April 09, 2007

By the Book...

I've started completing the Maryland Libraries Learning 2.0 tasks, but I think I could do a better job of reporting what I'm doing. So far, I've done:

Week 1: Introduction

Thing 1-I read the blog and
Thing 2-read the pointers from lifelong learners and learned some way of nurturing my own learning process.

As you watch and listen, write down which habit among the 7 & 1/2 that is easiest for you and which is hardest. You will use your personal blog (which you will set up next) to post your thoughts about lifelong learning.

My easiest of the habits? the 7.5th one, of course - PLAY. I learn best when I am not forcing myself to learn things. Usually experimentation is play for me, and what I end up doing is trying out all kinds of permutations of whatever concept I am trying to learn exist. Play also can be repetition of a skill - in this way, the skill has a greater chance of becoming second nature.

The hardest: The first one! Begin with the end in mind? It's easy for me to do this on someone else's behalf, but sometimes I get a little bogged down in the steps, and focusing on the end result sometimes just makes it seem that much more difficult. But! I have a cure. I have the end in mind, but I don't look at it all the time. I look at the steps, and work my way through with the goal of that particular step in mind, rather than the ultimate end result.
March 26

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